Songs in The Night

Sherman Branch Jr. committed his life to Christ on March 1, 1970. In December of 1972, he felt the call of God to preach the gospel and was ordained on June 9, 1979.
He and his wife have served in four churches, all in North Carolina. He and Debbie have three children and eight grandchildren.
In April of 2022, his wife of 44 years stepped from this life into eternity. In 2023, after much prayer and Godly counsel, Sherman launched "Songs in the Night, "Hope for the Hurting."

"A must experience. This ministry will certainly bring your relationship with God closer. For those struggling with trying times, this ministry will help lead you to the hope we all so desperately need."
Michael Gregory
"Brother Sherman Branch presented his "Songs in the Night" Ministry in our evening service. Many got help."
Rev. Jeff Silvers
"Thank you for being so strong and listening to God and sharing your story, God's word, and spreading hope.
My grandmother and father committed suicide when I was a child. Our family kept it hush-hush as my grandfather was a pastor and my father was a deacon. It was taught that Christians were to hold it together and the congregation would think less of our family. Fast forward to life now My daughter who is 15 tried to end her life two years ago. We heard your story, and God's message several weeks ago. Your strength to tell your pain and provide light on biblical truths through Psalms touched us deeply. Your service today lit a fire in her and came home and dropped to her knees in her room, reading her Bible and writing in her journal. I’ve not seen this in a long time. Though she continues to go to therapy and struggles she’s found strength and hope! She has peace again. Her favorite saying is now “It’s ok to not be okay, but Gods got me”. Growing up being left behind with the trauma, dealing with my own depression, and now aiding a daughter fighting, your message spreads hope. It’s reassuring to know that it’s ok to feel broken, our God still loves us and we are not failures for struggling. Please continue your mission many hearts and souls need to hear… it’s okay to not be okay! Hope is in Jesus."
There are two ways we would love for you to support the ministry.
First of all prayer. Please pray as we minister to those who are hurting and need a touch from God in their lives.
Second, you can support us financially. If you would like to do so, click this link If you would prefer to use a check, they can be made out to Songs in the Night and mailed to 1214 Abernathy Dr, Stanley, NC 28164